Thu, Nov 03 2022 at 06:00 PM at Integral Ad Science

2 Python enthusiasts attended this meeting.

Thu, Oct 13 2022 at 06:00 PM at SpotHero

What's new in Python 3.11
(20 Minutes)
By: Phil Robare
Experience Level: Intermediate

The Python core developers keep pushing out new functionality every six months.  Python 3.6 just went out of support and Python 3.11 is in pre-release.  This talk will look at the new features promised for 3.11 and maybe provide some opionated views on their usefulness or their potential to make Python code harder to understand.

Life without pip install 😱
(10 Minutes)
By: Aly Sivji
Experience Level: Novice
Slides Link

The world has lost the ability to pip install... what do we do?!?! This talk explores a hypothetical Doomsday Scenario where the Python Package Index has gone offline. We examine three ways we can import libraries we have not installed.

After this talk, attendees will have a better understanding of what happens when a package is imported into Python.

Introduction to dependency injection and testable code
(30 Minutes)
By: Adrian Garcia Badaracco
Experience Level: Intermediate
Slides Link

Isn't dependency injection a Java thing? Not really!

Have you used Pytest? Fixtures are a form of dependency injection. What about just passing in file-like object to `json.load`? Also dependency injection! There's also FastAPI, one of the most popular Python web frameworks now days, that has depedendency injection as one of it's key features.

You see, dependency injection is very widespread in the Python world, it just looks so natual because of lack of a `new` keyword and first-class function support that you might not even know you are using the technique. Nonetheless it can help to be aware of the theory and jargon around it, which is what we'll explore in this talk by way of a joint refactoring exercise.

41 Python enthusiasts attended this meeting.

Thu, Oct 06 2022 at 06:00 PM at Zoro

5 Python enthusiasts attended this meeting.

Thu, Sep 08 2022 at 07:00 PM at Coyote Logistics

Optimizing Python Code
(15 Minutes)
By: Anna Astori
Experience Level: Novice

Have you experienced issues with your Python code while wrangling new data sets and crunching big numbers? Have you wondered what are the places where you could make your Python scripts run faster? Let's talk! Today, I will cover a few options to speed up your data processing operations. This talk can be especially valuable for those who are just starting out in Data Science and Python 
development. Nonetheless, everyone interested in efficient Python is welcome!

How to build a Recommender System from scratch in (mostly) Python
(60 Minutes)
By: Aabir Abubaker Kar
Experience Level: Novice

A recommender system (recsys) is a no-brainer investment for any service that offers users a wide choice of items. This talk will teach you how to design and build one yourself, informed by lessons learnt shipping a recsys to 5 million MAUs. We'll start with the simplest heuristics and ML models that do the trick, focusing significantly on system design. We'll discuss how to compute, store, and serve recommendations - and also how to build a robust data system with long-term value. We can also nerd out about machine learning and idea jam at the end.

I write at and tweet at @bakerwhodata sometimes. HMU

56 Python enthusiasts attended this meeting.

Thu, Aug 11 2022 at 06:30 PM at Kitchen 17

Getting Started with Prefect
(20 Minutes)
By: George Coyne
Experience Level: Intermediate

Prefect is air traffic control for the modern data stack. Monitor, coordinate, and orchestrate dataflows between and across your applications. Build pipelines, deploy them anywhere, and configure them remotely. You might just love your workflows again.

Learn how to get up and running with Prefect!

MicroPython for industrial robots
(30 Minutes)
By: Carl Karsten
Experience Level: Novice

The MicroPython part of Evezor Modular Automation System.

or how to link an input device to a liniar actuator over CAN Bus.


I will maybe spend 5 min talking about my anser to  "What is / Teach me programming?" 

For sure I will spend a few moments talking about Python on FPGAs like Fomu and have a few to give out.

18 Python enthusiasts attended this meeting.