Current Sponsors

Thank you, thank you, thank you to our amazing sponsors! We recommend you check them all out for job opportunities or other partnerships! We've loved working with all of them and we know you will too!

About Sponsorship

ChiPy is brought to you by a hard-working team of volunteers and an amazing cast of generous sponsors! Sponsors provide hosted spaces or direct contributions to underwrite our regular programs, mentorship program, and more.

If you would like to help ChiPy reach new heights, we would love to make sure your team reaches one of the most active Python User groups in the world. Please consider the following sponsorship levels:

  • Platinum Sponsor $10,000
  • Gold Sponsor $5,000
  • Silver Sponsor $3,000
  • Bronze Sponsor $2,000

Hosting a main meeting (providing food/drink/space) automatically qualifies you for Bronze Sponsorship level. The same is true if you host two smaller events (e.g. special interest groups or Mentorship private events).

If none of these options is appealing for your needs, we also do custom partnerships. Such partnerships include one-time giveaways of services or prizes, single event sponsorships, video sponsorships for our streaming programs, and more. To set up a discussion for a custom sponsorship, please contact our organizers at the email below.


Great! How do I Sponsor?

To submit your sponsorship funds today, go to the Python Software Foundation funding page for our group or email chicago-organizers@python.org for other ways to pay.


853 Python Enthusiasts Attended ChiPy Meetings in the Last Year!!


