
SGX3: Accelerated Services and Community Interactions Supporting Open-Source Science
By: Sandra Gesing
Date: July 6, 2023, 6 p.m.

Software has become a major driver for research with over 90% of researchers answering surveys that they use software for their research and over 65% expressing that they even could not do their research without software. Science gateways are defined as collaborative environments that allow science and engineering communities to access shared data, software, computing services, instruments, educational materials, and other resources specific to their disciplines. Their goal is to remove the barriers to online content, computing and data infrastructures. SGX3 is the newly funded NSF Center of Excellence for Science Gateways serving the science gateway community from users to providers to developers. Mature science gateway frameworks enable developers to re-use building blocks for typical tasks such as invoking simulations or sharing data. This way, a ramp up of a science gateway can be more efficient and developers can focus on the unique aspects of a science gateway that is tailored to a specific community. Many frameworks such as Hubzero and Tapis are open source and can be further developed by the community. SGX3 offers services to the community from UX design to technical gap analysis to internship opportunities.  The talk will go into detail for SGX3 and its services and examples for science gateways openly available.