ChiPy __Main__ Meeting

When: July 11, 2013, 7 p.m.

Where: Wargaming West

Virtual Pythonistas: 0


  • Asynchronous I/O in Python 3
    By: Feihong Hsu
    Length: 45 Minutes
    Description: I'm going to talk about PEP 3156 and go over basic usage of the reference implementation, codenamed Tulip.
  • ipython / notebook demo
    By: Jason Wirth
    Length: 20 Minutes
    Description: ipython was a big focus of Scipy, Fernando gave a keynote, Brian gave a talk, and there was a tutorial. ipython appeals to a broad audience from beginners to advanced users. IDLE is awful and I basically learned Python using iPython. Presenter will touch on the powerful features and extensibility for advanced users.
  • A SciPy recap: Tracking history and provenance with Sumatra
    By: Sheila Miguez
    Length: 5 Minutes
    Description: This lightning talk recaps a [talk on Sumatra]( from the reproducible science track at SciPy2013.