ChiPy __Main__ Meeting

When: Feb. 14, 2019, 6 p.m.

Where: Active Campaign



  • Rust
    By: Eliah Burns
    Length: 5 Minutes
  • Scala
    By: Nathan Linebarger
    Length: 5 Minutes
  • Crystal
    By: Jack Throne
    Length: 5 Minutes
  • LaTex
    By: Kevin Nasto
    Length: 5 Minutes
  • Yes! Another Markup Language
    By: Aly Sivji
    Length: 5 Minutes
    Description: YAML is a human-readable data serialization language that has taken the world by storm. We will explore features of the YAML syntax that will save keystrokes and clean up messy configuration files.
  • such "DSON" is "Awesome" wow
    By: Erik Johnson
    Experience Level: Novice
    Description: This will be a brief and humorous demonstration of DSON, a JSON-like serialization format in which the punctuation used to represent dictionaries and lists is replaced with words from one of 2014's most pervasive memes.
  • The Cell: a Turing complete language
    By: Phil Robare
    Experience Level: Novice
    Length: 5 Minutes
    Description: "DNA is the programming language of the cell" - A computer science look at what this means, how the cell can "compute" and produce "output" that responds to the environment.
  • LaTeX vs. Python
    By: Kevin Nasto
    Length: 5 Minutes
    Description: This talk will go over the language LaTeX for the shootout. LaTeX is used to generate PDF documents such as books, research papers, math formulas, and more.
  • Go (lang) for Python devs at a 10,000 foot view
    By: Ray Buhr
    Length: 5 Minutes
    Description: What is the Go programming language and why should pythonistas concern themselves with it? In only 5 minutes, I'll try and show how cool Go and the tools that come with it are, and maybe convince you why it might be a better choice for some projects.