ChiPy __Main__ Meeting

When: May 9, 2013, 7 p.m.

Where: DevMynd

Virtual Pythonistas: 0


  • Hy: A Lisp that transforms itself into the ython AST.
    By: Christopher Webber
    Length: 90 Minutes
  • In-project virtualenvs
    By: Christopher Webber
    Length: 15 Minutes
  • Who saved The Onion, from being hacked by "Syrian Electronic Army"
    By: Sean Bloomfield
    Length: 5 Minutes
    Description: Well, this isn't at all Python related (or even all that technical), but at The Onion, we recently had a little run-in with the "hackers" from the "Syrian Electronic Army", and could talk about some lessons learned from that, if there's any interest.
  • apprenticeship model
    By: JP Bader
    Length: 5 Minutes
    Description: Pythonic protégés.